Academic Resources/After School Programs

After School Tutoring Opportunities

826michigan offers free drop-in tutoring at Beezy’s Cafe

Beginning last Monday, the non-profit began offering free after-school tutoring to students ages 8 to 18 in the Ypsilanti area at 20 N. Washington St., also known as Beezy's Café. Monday through Thursday, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., students can get help with their homework as well as hone their creative writing skills at the new lab

Upward Bound

EMU Upward Bound is a Federally-funded pre-college academic program designed to provide students from Ypsilanti Community High Schools and Ypsilanti New Tech High School with the academic skills enhancement and motivation necessary to obtain a college degree. EMU Upward Bound services and activities are free to those who participate in the program. Participants can even earn a monthly stipend for miscellaneous education expenses.

EMU Upward Bound provides its students a unique support system in the following areas:

upward bound 
Click here for more information.


EMU Bright Futures

EMU Bright Futures after school programs provide academically rich programming including targeted academic assistance, mentoring, and positive youth development experiences for students attending Ypsilanti Community School Middle School, Washtenaw International Middle Academy, Ypsilanti Community High School, and Ypsilanti New Tech High School. Click here for more information

The full list of the active Bright Future sites:

Ypsilanti Community High School
Ypsilanti Community Middle School
Estabrook Elementary
Erickson Elementary
Holmes Elementary








Academic Games/Math Club (5-8)
Science Club/Lego League (5-8)
National Junior Honor Society (5-8)
Student Council (5-8)
EMU Bright Futures (2-12)
After School Tutoring (2-6)
Before School Tutoring (K-1)
Drama (5-8)
Yearbook (5-8)
Boy Scouts (2-6)
YMCA – After-school Sports and Clubs
Newspaper Club (2-6)
I am Pink (2-6)
YCSMP Singers (2-6)
Green Team (2-6)
Girls on the Run (2-6)
Flag Football (2-6)
Jump Rope (2-6)
Girl Scouts (2-6)