Seven Correlates of Effectiveness

1. Clearly Stated and focused mission
The effective school has a clearly articulated mission. The staff shares and understanding and commitment to the mission and instructional goals, priorities, and assessment procedures it projects. The staff accepts responsibility and accountability for promoting and achieving the mission of Learning for all: Whatever it takes! 

2. Instructional leadership by all administrators and staff members
The effective school practices that the principal is the "leader of leaders" not the "leaders of followers". A principal cannot be the only leaders in a complex organization like a school. The leadership function becomes one of creating a "community of shared values". The principal and all staff members must take an active role in instructional leadership.

3. A safe and orderly environment for learning
The effective school has a positive, purposeful, businesslike environment, which is free from the threat of physical and emotional harm. Desirable student behaviors are consistently articulated and expectations are clear. Students and teachers help each other and want what is best for all. This environment nurtures interaction between administrators, teachers, and students that is collaborative, cooperative, and learner-centered.

4. Climate of high expectations for success
The effective school holds high expectations for all: students, parents, teachers, staff, and administrators. In order to meet these high expectations, a school is restructured to be an institution designed for "learning" not "instruction". Learning for all opens the door to the continued learning of the educators, as well as the students.

5. Frequent monitoring of student progress
The effective school frequently measures academic student progress through a variety of assessment procedures. The monitoring of student learning will emphasize more authentic assessments of curriculum mastery. Assessment results are used to improve individual student performance and also improve instructional delivery. Assessment results will show that alignment must exist between the intended, taught, and tested curriculum.

6. Opportunity to learn and student time on task
The effective school allocates and protects a significant amount of time for instruction of the essential curricular areas. The instruction must take place in an integrated, interdisciplinary curriculum. Effective instruction time must focus on skills and curriculum content that are considered essential, that are assessed, and most valued. 

7. Positive home - school relations
The relationship between parents and the school must be an authentic partnership between the school and the home. The effective school must build enough trust and communication to realize that teachers and parents have the same goal-and effective school and home for all children!

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