Points of Pride
Photo (Above)
Honored at City Council Meeting for the City of Ypsilanti
Our greatest source of pride is our people—the faculty, staff, students, and alumni who are working to improve lives both at home and at school. Our pride produces a feeling of self-satisfaction, especially an admirable personal characteristic or accomplishment.
We want to share some of our Points of Pride.
- Athletic Programs: championship caliber teams, added new teams, new partnership with WTMC
- Automotive, Collision Program: sent two students to the State USA Skills Competition. One of them won Gold, which moved the scholar on to the Nationals Competition
- NSBE Jr: on recent trip to Pittsburg, PA, placed 5th in fastest lap, 2nd in most laps under 5 minutes, and 1st in longest drive time
- Photography #1: 15 photos from individual and group photographers made it into the 36th Potential Exhibition at the Neutral Zone in Ann Arbor. Schools from all over Washtenaw were invited to Submit pictures. One of our pictures was awarded “best photo”
- Photography #2: hundreds of photos were submitted to EMU’s art photo exhibition. YCHS students won 2 of the 5 scholarships awarded ($750 each) to attend EMU and continue to study in the arts field
- Robotics: Chairman Award, Two YCHS teams to world championships, YCHS featured in Houston and Detroit, Asked to mentor new teams in China (Director took the Robotics Team to China for 2 weeks. The team will go back again next summer)
- STEMM Middle College: Trip to Washington DC to meet with Congress and advocate for Middle College
Programs in Michigan
- Speech and Debate Class: 2 of our 3 competing students took first and second place prizes in the Ann Arbor
- Breakfast Optimist Club 2018 Oratorical Contest
- YCHS Band: to Disney, Performance
- YCHS Choir: got a ‘2’ rating at the performance. Invited to NYC to perform this coming spring
- Mr. Scott Heister: First Robotics Woody Flowers Finalist Award, for Robotics mentorship of youth
- Ms. Jessica Krueger: Engage@EMU and its Institute for the Study of Children 2018, Award from ISCFC = award which honors transformative engagement and collaboration in and with ISCFC programs most specifically with SEMIS, to Instructional Coach Jessica Krueger
- Ms. Lynne Settles: DTE Teacher Of The year, work on Art murals all around the City Of Ypsilanti, Metro Detroit TV Coverage
National Media Coverage of YCHS
- Earn The Letter: on Fox Sports Detroit throughout the month of March, segment on our Football Program
- EdNews Daily Magazine
- First Robotics: video featuring YCHS at the World Robotic Championships
- HBO Real Sports: segment on our Robotics/Athletics
- Linkedin’s Pulse
- Lucy Ann Lance Radio show: YCHS featured on the show several times: City Murals, NSBE Jr, Robotics
- PBS’s American Graduate Day
- Robozone TV: feature on our Robotics Team
- TedX Talk: featuring our STEMM Middle College
- USA Today article on our STEMM and Robotics Programs