And just like that, the month of Feb is upon us! The 2nd Semester is up and running. Busy, busy month ahead. It will fly by.... stay in tune to our happenings!
Feb is Black History Month. I am looking forward to YCHS exploring and showing appreciation for black history. I know that every teacher will include black history in their curriculum this month to go along with our building wide celebrations.
Few Things:
*Get your NWEA testing done! Need support? Reach out to your evaluating Administrator and/or our Instructional Coach Ms. Sizemore.
*Staff meetings for Feb and March - we will be running
1.) All Staff together the 1st Tues (YCHS Admin meetings)
2.) All Staff together the 2nd Tues (Instr Coach meetings)
3.) Department Head meetings on the 3rd and 4th Tues
*We have much to do in prepping for the upcoming schedules for the 2nd Semester this year and for the fall of 2020
“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.” ~~ Harriet Tubman
The Week Ahead:
Mon - A Day
-Parent meeting, 9am
-HS Admin Team meeting, 10am
-Work with MS Admin, 12pm
-HS Safety Team meeting, 2:15pm
-BoE meeting, 6:30pm
Tues - B Day
-Central Office meeting, 9:30-11:30am, Central Office
-YCEA monthly meeting, 12:30pm
-YCHS teacher interview, 1:30pm, HS Conf Room
-HS All Staff meeting, 3:35pm, Media Center
Wed - A Day
-YCHS teacher interviews, all day, HS Conf Room
-EMU meeting, 2pm
-BN Team meeting, 3:35pm
Thurs - B Day
-District facilities meeting, 9am
-RAG meeting, 1-2:30pm, Central Office
-Central Office meeting, 4:00pm
Fri - C Day
-County Princ meeting, 8:30-10am, WISD
-YCHS teacher interview, 11am, HS Conf Room
-YCHS Grammy's, 1:45-3:20pm, Auditorium
-Certs Of Excellence, 3:10pm
-YCHS teacher interview, 3:30pm, HS Conf Room
Have a great week!!
Thank you
Cory J. Gildersleeve
Ypsilanti Community High School
2095 Packard Rd.
Ypsilanti, MI. 48197
Office Phone: (734) 221-1002
Keep up with Ypsilanti Community High School!
"Effective principals are leaders who are willing to build relationships, take risks, and are willing to redefine their roles."