Cominghome / Spirit Week was a big success! :) Thank you Ms. Allen and Team for organizing our Cominghome Week! Thank you YCHS Staff for leading the way and showing your spirit all week! Well done Grizzly Nation!
The last full week of Feb is upon us! Big week ahead with our YCHS Black History Production happening Thurs evening and Fri during school. Mr. Taylor, his supporting staff members and our scholars have worked really hard on this! Please make sure to support them and encourage them this week. I know that our scholars will be nervous....
"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." ~~Martin Luther King Jr.
"We have a powerful potential in our youth, and we must have the courage to change old ideas and practices so that we may direct their power toward good ends.'' ~~Mary McLeod Bethune
The Week Ahead:
Mon - A Day
-Central Office meeting, 8:30am
-HS Admin Team meeting, 10am
-HS Safety Team meeting, 2:15pm
-Mentor/Mentee, 3:45pm, Room 232
Tues - B Day
-Blueprint Conference, 8:30am-4pm, Lansing
-YCS@Work 'Barbershop Day', 9am-12pm, Room 224
-Central Office meeting, 9:30-11:30am
-Dept Head meetings, 3:35pm
Wed - A Day
-HS Admin 'BeAGrizzly' Campaign meeting, 9-11am
-CTE Round Table, 11am-12pm
-Summer Bridge kick off meeting, 3:35pm, WCC
Thurs - B Day
-I will be out of District on this day
-9th Grade NWEA Awards Event, 12-12:40pm
-Black History Program, 5:30-8:30pm, YCHS Auditorium
Fri - C Day
-Black History Program, 1:20-3:20pm, YCHS Auditorium
Have a great week!!
Thank you
Cory J. Gildersleeve
Ypsilanti Community High School
2095 Packard Rd.
Ypsilanti, MI. 48197
Office Phone: (734) 221-1002
Keep up with Ypsilanti Community High School!
"Effective principals are leaders who are willing to build relationships, take risks, and are willing to redefine their roles."