
Happy Sunday! I hope that you had a great weekend!

The Grizzly Grammys were a success on Fri. Very entertaining.  :)  Our students in the audience seemed to be well-behaved. I also saw several YCHS Staff members in the audience supporting the event. Congratulations to our staff and students. Well done Mr. Taylor and Supporters in leading the Grammys. I am VERY PROUD of our Grizzlys!!

Update on our openings: For the 2nd Semester, we dissolved one the STEMM Science positions. We also dissolved the STEMM Read 180 position. We have now filled all of our open Para positions. We have sent over a SS Teacher to HR for the next steps to hire (9th grade ACTech). We interviewed for PE/Health on Fri. We will probably interview a couple more PE/Health candidates soon. We are hoping to interview for the open Records and Registration position this coming week. We have an ESL long term sub candidate in mind - waiting to hear back from him on a start date. Our Math and TC candidates canceled their interviews, so we are still working on those positions. 

A Few Things: (important info)

*Our building subs that we have on an everyday basis are currently covering open classes. As a result, this makes it even more important for you to call AESOP and enter your absence in a timely manner. We need the sub! 

*In my meeting with our Director Of Facilities on Fri, he reminded me that our classroom entry door windows can only be 20% covered. You cannot 100% cover the windows at the door way of your classroom. This is a safety and liability issue that is in place for your protection. Make sure that you are following this policy - adjust as necessary, ASAP. 

*Please make sure that you are turning off lights in any area of YCHS that you come and go from.... This is very important. It SAVES money. Be mindful of this. 

*NAAPID Day is Mon! Hopefully we have some parents come to YCHS. Have something special planned for NAAPID Day in your lesson on Mon. NAAPID At Night is at WCC (Morris Lawrence Building). The reception is from 5-6pm. The program will go from 6-8pm. Hope to see you there. 

*COUNT DAY is Wed, Feb 12!! Be on top of your attendance!! 

*Finish up the NWEA testing. The deadline is this Fri. 

*This Fri is a half day (A Day) with students. Staff has PD in the afternoon. 

*There is no school next Mon, Feb 17. Mid-Winter break. ENJOY! :) 

*Winter Fest, Coming Home, is the week of Feb 17-21 (Mon-Fri). The dance is Sat, Feb 22. We need chaperones at the dance (6:30-10:30pm). Please plan to attend. This is GREAT to use for your evaluation! 


"History has shown us that COURAGE can be contagious and HOPE can take on a life of its own".  ~~Michelle Obama



The Week Ahead:

Mon - A Day

-Meeting with a Teacher, 8:00am

-Meeting with a Teacher, 8:30am

-NAAPID Day: breakfast, room visits, meet with Admin at 9am

-Admin Team meeting, 10am

-NAAPID Day: lunch, room visits, meet with Admin at 1pm

-Safety Team meeting, 2:15pm

-Parent meeting, 2:45pm

-NAAPID at night, 5-8pm, WCC Morris Lawrence Building

Tues - B Day

-Central Office meeting, 9:30-11:30am

-Dollars For Scholars meeting, 1pm

-Staff meeting, Listen and Learn with Super AZR, 3:35pm, Media Center

Wed - A Day

-TRAILS meeting, 9:30am

-HR meeting, 3:30pm

Thurs - B Day

-F.A.C.E. meeting, 8:30am 

-Career and Tech Ed Panel, 10am-12:30pm, WCC

-YCHS interviews, staffing, 1-3:00pm

-Student Discipline Hearing, 3:30pm, Central Office 

Fri - A Day  Student half day / Staff PD 

-Students from 8:20-11:45am

-Parent meeting, 9am

-Certs of Excellence drawing, 11:30am

-YCS/YCHS Staff PD time, 12:30-4pm 

-ISD meeting with HS Admin, 12:30-2:30pm, YCHS Conference 

-HS Admin planning meeting, 2:30-3:30pm, YCHS Conference


#YCSDynamic   Have a great week!! 


Mon - Feb, 17. Mid-Winter break

-NO SCHOOL, for staff and students 

-Enjoy your long weekend! :) 

-I will send out the YCHS Weekly Info by 5:30pm 


Thank you

Cory J. Gildersleeve


Ypsilanti Community High School

2095 Packard Rd.

Ypsilanti, MI. 48197

Office Phone: (734) 221-1002 


Keep up with Ypsilanti Community High School! 




"Effective principals are leaders who are willing to build relationships, take risks, and are willing to redefine their roles."