Good Superbowl evening and or the morning after! I hope everybody got the time they needed to decompress and be present outside of the world of education.
Friday's Starr/Trauma pd was much improved and I hope SEMIS too was worth the time.
Speaking of professionalism, that falls right in line with ACCE Adult Awesomeness:
- staff showing up to pd and highlighting ACCE trauma informed practices (Carlos pointed out lots of ACCE awesomeness as well)
- staff covering each other's classes
- staff adapting and being flexible to changing schedules and incoming students
- staff resetting and reaffirming classroom expectations
- staff using data to inform classroom practices and student support
- staff providing me data and setting me up for success
- staff continuing to enroll students (record day of enrollees on Thursday)
- staff working together to graduate a student
- staff welcoming and supporting Mr. Fisher
- Mr. Fisher settling right in and going to work.
- staff making sure we are in compliance even if it's inconvenient
- staff bouncing back and forth from Middle School
Please turn in last week's postcards also we are in week two and this week is second hour
Be in hallways during passing time urging students to get to class on time
Black Lives Matter In School Week
Daily Debriefs 3:10-3:22
This Week:
Monday - Regular Day
Tuesday - Admin Meetings
Wednesday - AM meeting
Thursday - regular day PM Meeting
Friday WISD principals' meeting
Let's have a good week!
J. Royce