Holmes’ Staff Weekly Update
Welcome Back!
I hope everyone had a restful break. I am excited for the next 3 weeks with our students and I am looking forward to our continued work together as we finish out 2019.
Have a great week!
Holmes Notes:
HMH Assessment and Pacing Information 12/2.
Based on the HMH pacing information shared last week NEW...HMH Pacing Guide, all classes should begin Module 3, Lesson 7 this week, 12/2. This expectation has been communicated by Dr. Lopez.
For anyone who is not on target with this pacing, the use of backward design is recommended to ensure that students are able to test on Module 3 the week of 12/16 in accordance with the pacing guide.
Kim is available for anyone who needs support with adjusting their pacing to be consistent with the updated pacing guide. Additionally, Kim and I are available for any questions and clarifications you may have regarding the pacing expectation.
Lesson Plans
I would like to refresh the expectation of using Planbook for weekly lesson review. Minimum Expectations:
Share lesson plans by 4 pm on Sundays.
Lesson plans should at minimum include a framework or “balcony view” for me of the student learning taking place each day. Basically, I would like to be able to review your plans and have an idea of what learning will be taking place before entering the classroom, or be able to determine what learning has taken place in previous days.
Ex. Math - Doubles and Combinations of 10.
Ex. ELA Reading - mini lesson: Making Inferences
These are “minimum” expectations, please feel free to continue to make your Planbook as detailed as you would like.
Also, it is not required to link standards at this time, but feel free to continue to do so. It is implied by following the ELA and Math Curriculum that the standards are embedded in your instruction.
If you have any questions or need clarification please let me know.
Breakfast Coverage 7:15 am
This is a friendly reminder that our agreed upon expectation is that staff are available by 7:15 am to supervise students in the cafeteria. It is understood that there may be a day where last minute preparations are needed for your instruction. If this is the case, please communicate with me or your colleagues so we know to support your class in the cafeteria. Thank you in advance for your attention and support of this expectation.
Student Pictures for Lobby Monitor
If you have any student pictures from this year please share them with Stephanie. We would like to create a montage of past and any future events to scroll on the monitor in the main lobby. Thank you!
Happening This Week:
Monday, 12/2 - Morning Announcements for the week (Gray’s class) Announcements Information
Tuesday, 12/3 - Greg @ DNT mtg 9:00 am - 11:30 am, Red Wings Assembly @ 1 pm Red Wings Assembly Info, Staff Meeting Time 2:45 - 3:45 pm
Wednesday, 12/4 - Lockdown Drill @ 11:55 am (“Soft” Shelter in Place) Lockdown Drill Information, Holmes BNT mtg 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm
Thursday, 12/5 - A Great Day at Holmes!
Friday, 12/6 - Grizzly Gathering - Skill: Assertiveness
The Week Ahead:
Monday, 12/9 - Morning Announcements for the week (Burrows’ class) Announcements Information
Tuesday, 12/10 - Greg @ DNT mtg 9:00 am - 11:30 am, Staff Meeting Time 2:45 - 3:45 pm
Wednesday, 12/11 - A Great Day at Holmes!
Thursday, 12/12 - A Great Day at Holmes!
Friday, 12/13 - A Great Day at Holmes!
Good Reads for the Week:
Upcoming Events:
Wednesday, 12/18 - Gift of Sharing. Holmes has been selected by EMU Basketball Coach, Rob Murphy’s Foundation for their annual “Gift of Sharing” event, which will plan to give a gift to every student at Holmes! More details forthcoming.