Holmes’ Staff Weekly Update 

1/6 - 1/10


Happy New Year and welcome back!  I hope everyone had an enjoyable and restful break.  I know I am energized and enthusiastic for our work with our students in 2020!  


I have shared a TedTalk that I have probably seen at least 15 times that I usually watch at the beginning of each school year and sometimes after breaks.  I am sure many of you have seen this video too, but I think it is always relevant and is great at refocusing my “Why”. Enjoy...Every Kid Needs a Champion!


Holmes Notes:

  • NWEA Winter Window is January 13th - February 7th.                   NWEA Winter Schedule

    • Teachers, please review your NWEA rosters on the NWEA site.  Please send me any students that need to be added AND any students that need to be removed from your rosters.  We would like to make sure that rosters are updated and are ready for NWEA testing on January 13th.


  • NWEA student preparation - A reminder of some key ideas that can help students optimize their performance for next week’s testing:

    • Remind students WHY they are taking the NWEA and what we are going to do with this information.

    • Goal Setting with students from Fall, to Winter, to Spring.

    • Remind students the test is only designed to get 50% correct...Proximal Development.

    • Here is a list of some other NWEA Talking Points that may be helpful for students.



  • Imagine Math and Imagine Learning:

    • The Middle of the Year Benchmark Assessment for ImagineMath and ImagineLiteracy is OPTIONAL.  There is no need to do MOY benchmark assessment this time unless you are using the data from this assessment to drive your instruction.


  • Friendly Reminder...Holmes is Fragrance Free

    • Please be aware that we have staff members who have sensitivities to certain fragrances like colognes, perfumes, classroom sprays and plug-in air fresheners, that can cause medical ailments (migraines, asthma, rashes, etc.).  Please be conscious of this as we move into the new year. Thank you for your support!


Happening This Week:


Monday, 1/6 - Morning Announcements for the week (Swanson’s class) Announcements Information - CD Skill: Choices

Tuesday, 1/7 - Staff Meeting Time 2:45 - 3:45 pm

Wednesday, 1/8 - A Great Day at Holmes!

Thursday, 1/9  - A Great Day at Holmes!

Friday, 1/10 - Greg @ District Seal of Bi-Literacy Mtg 1 pm - 2 pm

*Winter NWEA Schedule


The Week Ahead:


Monday, 1/13 - NWEA testing, Morning Announcements for the week (Bearman) Announcements Information

Tuesday, 1/14 - NWEA testing, Greg @ DNT mtg 9:00 am - 11:30 am, Staff Meeting Time 2:45 - 3:45 pm

Wednesday, 1/15 - NWEA testing, BNT mtg 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm

Thursday, 1/16  - NWEA testing

Friday, 1/17 - Half-Day of School 10:45 Dismissal, Staff PD Afternoon 11:45 am - 2:30 pm Tentative PD Schedule


Good Reads for the Week:


Upcoming Events:

  • Wednesday, January 22nd - Holmes 826 Writing Night 5-7 pm.