YCS English Language Development

"This site is dedicated to providing an online resource for the Ypsilanti Community Schools staff and families."

We welcome you to our multilingual world of the Ypsilanti Community Schools! We are pleased to serve students who speak over 25 different  languages. Our students represent many cultures which enrich our school district. Our English Learner Department meets the needs of the varying levels of our students' language proficiency. We recognize and value the reality that our students are learning more than one language as they learn to navigate their home, community and school settings.  Supporting our multilingual students' language development is critical for their future success in our school systems and beyond. 

Please check out our website to find helpful resources and meet our high quality English Language educators! If you have any questions Liz Sirman, our district's English Language Coordinator,  is here to assist.  She can be reached at: 734-221-1034 or email at: Esirman4@ycschools.us

YCS English Language Development Website